In October 2019, Rappahannock Community College began its process to create a new Strategic Plan for 2020-2025. The Administrative Council, a college governance committee, led this effort. A vision statement and core values were also developed and approved by the local College Board. The values, which the entire college community had input in the development of, are the basis for the goals of the Strategic Plan. These Strategic Priorities will be addressed during the next five years by each annual plan developed by the president and operational units at the College.
The RCC Strategic Plan for 2020-2025 describes the planning process and all of the documents resulting from that process.
Rappahannock Community College provides inclusive access to exceptional training and educational opportunities meeting the community’s needs and preparing individuals for success as learners, employees, and citizens.
RCC transforms lives, strengthens communities, and inspires excellence.
IDEAL – Integrity, Diversity and Inclusion, Excellence, Access, Learning for Life.
Economic Impact and Value