Safety and Violence Prevention
Safety and Violence Prevention Committee
Purpose: The Safety and Violence Prevention Committee (i) provides guidance to students, faculty, and staff regarding recognition of threatening or aberrant behavior that may represent a physical threat to the community; (ii) identifies members of the campus community to whom threatening behavior should be reported; (iii) establishes policies and procedures that outline circumstances under which all faculty and staff are required to report behavior that may represent a physical threat to the community, provided that such report is consistent with state and federal law; and (iv) establishes policies and procedures for (a) the assessment of individuals whose behavior may present a threat, (b) appropriate means of intervention with such individuals, and (c) sufficient means of action, including interim suspension, referrals to community services boards or health care providers for evaluation or treatment, medical separation to resolve potential physical threats, and notification of family members or guardians, or both, unless such notification would prove harmful to the individual in question, consistent with state and federal law. The Committee also advises the President on safety and security issues.
- Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services, convener
Vacant - Grants Accountant, recorder
Tanya Hartso - Glenns and Warsaw Facility Managers
Chris Cooper
Richard Lewter - Campus Safety and Emergency Coordinator
Mark Schmink - Chief Information Officer
Jeff Hayman - One Information Technology Representative appointed annually by the Chief Information Officer
Rhett Moore - Dean of Student Development
Dave Keel - HR Analyst
Bridgit King - Three teaching or professional faculty appointed annually by the Faculty Senate
Mike Carter
Carrie Lewis
Aryah Williams - Two classified staff members appointed annually by the Support Staff Association
Missy Folan
Charlene Jones - Law Enforcement Representative
Sergeant John Holt, Gloucester County Sheriff’s Department
Meetings: At least once per semester.