Tuition Payment Options
Option 1: Pay online using a credit card or ACH through your myRCC student account.
Once the payment is processed, you will be taken to the Receipt page where a confirmation of your transaction will be displayed.
Option 2: Drop Box (No cash.) Located at the entrances to the Glenns or Warsaw campuses. Place your check or money order in a sealed envelope and include student's name, student ID number, and copy of the invoice and drop in the box at the Glenns Campus or Warsaw Campus.
Option 3: Enroll in a payment plan
Option 4: Register and Pay for Workforce Classes -- Call 804-333-6838 to learn how you can use grant funds to pay for a Workforce or non-credit class.
Contact Us
Glenns Business Office 804-758-6720
Warsaw Business Office 804-333-6720
Financial Aid Helpline 804-758-6734
Business Office Hours
Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am to 12 pm